HealthLandscape introduces the Rural Health Explorer. The Explorer includes the Rural Population Health Mapper, Appalachia Community Data Portal, and Rural Health Workforce Mapper. The Explorer also includes other mapping tools focused on health behaviors, health outcomes, and healthy living assets in non-urban counties across the U.S., as well as the entire Appalachian region.
The Rural Population Health Mapper draws from the RWJ County Health Rankings data to let users explore behaviors and health care resources that impact health outcomes, as well as policies and program initiatives that can impact these measures.
The Appalachia Community Data Portal combines county-level data from multiple sources, including economic status and health disparities data from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC); health outcomes, behaviors, and clinical care data from the Robert Wood Johnson County Health Rankings; and demographic and social determinants of health data from HealthLandscape’s Community Vital Signs data library.
The Rural Health Workforce Mapper includes all rural AND urban counties, while focusing on targeted physician and non-physician specialties that are important members of the rural health care continuum.