The term “OneCare Kansas” refers to a new Medicaid option to provide coordination of physical and behavioral health care with long term services and supports for people with chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, or mental illness. These people must be KanCare members. They can be members who also receive Medicare along with Medicaid.

OneCare Kansas is planned to implement Jan. 1, 2020. The target population will include those who have a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, severe bipolar disorder, or those who have asthma and are also at risk for developing another chronic condition. If you would like to know the specific diagnosis codes, they can be found on the OCK website. KDHE staff are still working on the rates with their actuaries, and they will be posted to the OCK website once they are finalized.

KDHE is accepting and evaluating provider applications now. There is no deadline to submit your application. There is a state team that will review applications submitted. If the state team approves your application, it will be sent to the Managed Care Organization (MCO) that you wish to contract with. At that point, you will work with the MCO(s) to come to an agreement. Remember, this is a two-step process. If you have previously submitted your application and would like to make changes, please contact Samantha Ferencik. You may view the webinar on the OCK website that walks you through the provider application.

If you have any additional questions, please contact SSamantha Ferencik or email OneCareKansas@ks.gov.