Nominations, Elections and Appointments for the KAFP Board of Directors and KAFP Foundation Board of Trustees

Serving as a volunteer leader on the KAFP and the KAFP Foundation provides members the opportunity to guide and shape the specialty of family medicine in Kansas. As an organization, we have been so lucky to have worked under the leadership of innumerable, incredible members. At this time, the Academy and Foundation are seeking nominations for multitude of elected positions for the 2024 governance year as well as seeking members interested in leadership appointments.

Details about board position descriptions, criteria, the nominations and elections timeline and the nomination process are below. If you are interested in serving in one of the positions or would like additional information, please contact Tarah Remington Brown at

The individuals who currently hold these positions are eligible for re-election. The Leadership Development Committee encourages all active members who meet the requirements of the open board seats to submit your nominations.

Board positions and terms

The following outlines the board positions open for election or appointment for the 2025 governance year on the KAFP Board of Directors as well as on the KAFP Foundation Board of Trustees. The governance year is Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.

Academy terms and open positions are:

Foundation terms and open positions are:

Additionally, if you are interested in being nominated to serve on an AAFP Commission or as an NCCL delegate, we encourage you to submit your nomination form at this time.

If you’re interested in gaining leadership experience, read more about KAFP volunteer opportunities here.

Leadership Criteria

With any position that serves on the board, prior leadership experience is essential to success, but we won’t dictate to you what sources that experience should derive from. As part of the application process, nominees will provide information about their leadership experiences as well as share their passion for leading the KAFP. The Leadership Development Committee will also give you a call for an interview. We don’t want to hinder anyone’s interest in leadership service with a long list of arbitrary criteria that is daunting.

Elected and appointed positions of both the Academy and Foundation boards, must be filled by an active KAFP member in good standing. Neither the Secretary nor Treasurer positions automatically succeeds to President-Elect. The resident director position must be filled by a first- or second-year resident participating in a Kansas residency program and be a resident member of KAFP in good standing. The student director position must be filled by a first, second- or third-year medical student attending a medical school in Kansas and be a student member of the KAFP.

The six trustees for the KAFP Foundation Board of Trustees must be members in good standing and have a keen interest in advancing the mission of the KAFP Foundation. Prior service on a philanthropic board is appreciated but not required. The resident trustee must also be a member of KAFP in good standing. Foundation board members contribute to the organization in four significant ways:

  • Giving of their time
  • Giving of their talent
  • Serving as a door-opener for the Foundation
  • Funding philanthropic initiatives

What makes a great board member?

Best practices define characteristics of great non-profit board leaders as follows:

Exhibit excellent character qualities

  • Honest, fair, respectful and ethical

Have a strong commitment to the KAFP and the KAFP Foundation

  • Passionate about family medicine in Kansas
  • Thoughtful about advancing the mission of the KAFP and the KAFP Foundation
  • Willingness to advocate on behalf of our colleagues, patients and communities and future family physicians in Kansas

Innovative and forward-thinking

  • Committed to serving the Academy and the Foundation to move their strategic plans forward

Willing to make regular contributions to the KAFP Foundation

  • Willingness to donate time, resources and opportunities to meet the goals of the Foundation and support its mission

Enhancing and nurturing relationships

  • Engaging with members; really listen to their needs
  • Willingly speak to the merits of KAFP the KAFP Foundation to non-members
  • Introducing Academy and Foundation staff to potential sponsors and partners

Responsibilities, expectations and time commitments

  • Support the KAFP mission and vision and the KAFP Foundation mission and vision.
  • Come prepared to actively participate in regular and special meetings of the board
  • Be an advocate for KAFP in your spheres of influence
  • Volunteer for Family Doctor of the Day at least once during the legislative session
  • Actively seek and cultivate future volunteers, committee chairs, delegates and board members
  • Serve on a designated committees, work groups or task forces
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest
  • Participate in and support KAFP all events, including Advocacy Day and Fam Med Forward
  • Donate to the KAFP Foundation

In addition to the outlined terms of each board position, the time commitment to serve on the KAFP board of directors averages 2-3 hours per month. This includes board meetings on the third Thursday of odd-numbered months (January, March, May, July, September, and November), typically over the lunch hour using a virtual platform. Two meetings of the board will be more than one hour and occur in person, usually in January and May. Officers volunteer approximately 5-6 hours per month of their time, if not more depending on the position.

Take their fiduciary duties of board leadership seriously

Learn more about these best practices here.


We are seeking nominations from all eligible members. The timeline will provide due dates and deadlines related to nominations and elections.

Nominations Process

Self-nominations for any elected position or appointment can be submitted using this form. Once received, the Leadership Development Committee will reach out to you to schedule an interview. The Committee will then submit a slate of candidates to the Academy and the Foundation for approval, including the Committee’s appointment recommendations. Nominees and candidates will be notified of the outcomes of the respective boards’ decisions.