Visit the Center for Disease Control’s Make a Strong Flu Vaccine Recommendation web page to help you make a strong recommendation for influenza vaccination, including a video, descriptions of all recommended flu vaccines and a link to the HCP Fight Flu Toolkit. Below are some tips from the website:
It is necessary for some patients to receive a strong recommendation from their provider. CDC suggests using the SHARE method to make a strong vaccine recommendation and provide important information to help patients make informed decisions about vaccinations:
SHARE the reasons why the influenza vaccine is right for the patient given his or her age, health status, lifestyle, occupation, or other risk factors.
HIGHLIGHT positive experiences with influenza vaccines (personal or in your practice), as appropriate, to reinforce the benefits and strengthen confidence in influenza vaccination.
ADDRESS patient questions and any concerns about the influenza vaccine, including side effects, safety, and vaccine effectiveness in plain and understandable language.
REMIND patients that influenza vaccines protect them and their loved ones from serious influenza illness and influenza-related complications.
EXPLAIN the potential costs of getting influenza, including serious health effects, time lost (such as missing work or family obligations), and financial costs.