The KUMC research team of Dr. Timothy Smith, Dr. Emily Goodwin, Dr. Michael Kennedy and Todd Savolt are seeking  primary care provider who provide primary care for children to complete a 5 minute survey: Complete Caring for Children.  The aim of the survey is to identify the barriers and education gaps that limit primary care providers and residents’ self-efficacy when caring for  children with medical complexity in rural and urban settings.  Participation involves completing a survey that will take about 5 minutes.  The survey is anonymous. In addition to the survey questions,  educational status, medical practice setting and how long you have been practicing medicine are included questions. Consent to participation is assumed with completing the survey and submitting through RedCap – click here to complete and submit survey.

There are no personal benefits or risks to participating in this study.  Participation is voluntary, and you can stop taking the survey at any time. Participation in the survey or declining to participate in the survey will have no impact on your professional career.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Timothy Smith at tsmith@kumc.edu or Dr. Emily Goodwin at ejgoodwin@cmh.edu.  For questions about the rights of research participants, you may contact the KUMC Institutional Review Board (IRB) at (913) 588-1240 or humansubjects@kumc.edu  or Children’s Mercy Institutional Review Board (IRB) at (816) 701-4358 or irb@cmh.edu.