District 4 Write-In Candidate
To represent Barber, Barton, Comanche, Edward, Harper, Kingman, Kiowa, Pawnee, Pratt, Reno, Rice, Rush, Stafford and Sumner counties.

Jonathan Pike, MD
“People are more important than things.” I learned this lesson early and often from my dad, only to have it reinforced by one of my undergraduate mentors. This principle birthed in me a desire to cultivate deep, meaningful relationships with others, and it ultimately guided me to pursue a degree in medicine. Naturally, I continued into the specialty of family medicine as it provides the perfect opportunity for me to practice that philosophy in my daily interactions with patients. Though I am just shy of the two year anniversary from my residency graduation, I have been blessed to see relationships with my patients, partners, staff, and community grow rapidly in that time. It would be an honor to extend these relationships to patients and colleagues throughout Kansas by serving as the District 4 Representative on the KAFP Board of Directors.
I was born and raised in Great Bend, KS, and had the privilege of returning to my hometown following my graduation from Via Christi Family Medicine Residency in June 2018. In a practice with five other partners, I am grateful for the opportunity to provide full scope family medicine with obstetrics alongside two of my mentors who, between my mom’s prenatal care and a forceps delivery, have literally known me my entire life.Inspired by them, I have been focused on rural health care since my undergraduate days at Kansas State University where I participated in the Scholars in Rural Health Program en route to my admission to the University of Kansas School of Medicine. While there, I was active in the rural and family medicine interest groups and had my first introduction to the KAFP. Shortly thereafter, I was grateful for the opportunity to serve on the KAFP Board as a resident representative from 2016 to 2018.
After experiencing the KAFP Board firsthand, I have the highest respect for all who serve and have served in that capacity. I would be honored to continue the tradition of excellence they have set as a precedent. While all of the KAFP legislative priorities are labeled “priorities” with good cause, I am most passionate about the recruitment and retention of new graduates to rural Kansas. I believe that family medicine is the heartbeat of health care in general, and especially in rural Kansas. As a beneficiary of the Kansas Medical Student Loan Program and the Kansas Bridging Plan myself, I can attest that programs like these are essential to the future of family medicine in Kansas. However, I believe there is opportunity to innovate new strategies for recruitment and retention.
I do not think I am overstepping when I say that family physicians care much more about people than things. We entered this profession and specialty to delve deep into relationships with our patients and their families. I have yet to meet a family doc who “enjoys” the administrative burdens of excessive documentation and prior authorizations. More importantly, I have yet to meet a family doc who, in spite of these burdens, will not go the extra mile for his or her patients. As a representative on the KAFP board, I believe my role would be to advocate for family physicians so family physicians can maximize their time with their patients. With that in mind, I respectfully request your consideration of me to serve as your District 4 Representative.