District 6 Candidate
To represent Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Douglas, Jackson, Jefferson, Leavenworth, Marshall, Nemaha, Pottawatomie, Shawnee, Wabaunsee counties

Graig Nickel, MD, FAAFP
I would like to serve as your District 6 Director to the KAFP. My name is Graig Nickel and I live in Lawrence. I have worked on the KU campus for the last seven years, providing medical care for students at Watkins Health Center. I also work some evenings and weekends at a local urgent care clinic. I have been a member of KAFP since I began medical school. As a student, a resident, and now as a practicing family physician I have been actively involved in the Academy at the state level. I am a Fellow in our Academy, and I served the AAFP on the Committee on Rural Health before completing my residency training. I practiced in Lindsborg, Kan. for 10 years prior to moving to Lawrence.
Kansas has always been my home, and having worked in both a rural and a more urban setting, I have an appreciation for the challenges Kansas family doctors face in different work environments. I believe that our Kansas Academy is vital to our success as family physicians, and I will continue to support their efforts to advocate for our specialty. As the District 6 Director, I will represent any concerns you have to our state leadership.