KU KC Faculty Director Candidate

Margaret Smith, MD, MPH, MHSA, FAAFP
I am on the faculty of The University of Kansas Medical Center in the Department of Family Medicine in Kansas City. I have been in this position for the past seven years. As member of the Family Medicine Department I work closely with medical students and residents as an assistant director in the new curriculum and a core residency faculty member. Prior to my tenure at KUMC I served as the medical director for Kansas Medicaid, a medical epidemiologist for KDHE and the medical director for a community health center. I have been board certified in Family Medicine for over 30 years.
I am running for the position of KU Kansas City Faculty Director to the Kansas Academy of Family Physicians because I want to continue to be an advocate for patients and for family physicians in Kansas. I have served as a faculty representative for the past six years. As a member of the Board of Directors and I have had the honor to represent KAFP as the minority representative at the National Conference of Constituency Leaders for four years. I have participated in Advocacy Day each year, and I have worked with other family physicians to write resolutions for consideration by the AAFP Congress of Delegates.
Being a member of KAFP gives family physicians a collective voice in Kansas and allows us to present our shared concerns to the legislature, insurers and the AAFP; as a former medical director for Kansas Medicaid, I know how important it is to bring our concerns to these groups. Being on the Board of Directors has given me the opportunity to give back to the organization that has done so much for us.
Thank you for considering me for continued service in this position.