The KAFP membership passed the following bylaws amendment at the Member Meeting on Friday, June 15, 2018:

Bylaws: Chapter III, Meetings

Section 4. Each member of the Board shall be expected to attend participate in all of the scheduled Board Meetings on an annual basis. If expected attendance participation is not achieved, the Board member in question may be interviewed by an ad hoc committee selected by the president, to consider whether that member should be asked to resign.

Rationale: This would allow virtual participation in Board Meetings.  If adopted the Board intends to adopt policies regarding which meetings are eligible for virtual participation and other details regarding virtual Board participation.

During the KAFP Board Meeting, the Board took action to adopt the following policy:

KAFP will hold completely virtual meetings for the Spring and Fall Board Meetings, when there are not additional meetings attached, such as Strategic Planning or Succession Planning.  In-person attendance is highly preferred and encouraged for the Winter and Summer Board Meetings.  This is due to the additional meetings near the same time for which board attendance is expected:  Advocacy Day, with the winter meeting, and the Annual Meeting, with the summer meeting.

  • If a board member is unable to attend the Winter and Summer Board meetings in person, KAFP will offer the capability for video conferencing through a program such as Zoom, to enable the Board to both hear and see people who could not otherwise participate.
  • If a person must connect virtually s/he should connect via video conferencing rather than by conference call.
  • The chair for the Winter and Summer Board meetings should be present in person. If the Board Chair is not present in person, the President will chair the meeting, even if the Chair is participating via video conference.
  • Staff will develop an RSVP system by which Board Members should reply about their plans to attend the Winter and Summer meetings, whether in person or virtually. Prompt notice of the need for video conference attendance (at least 7 days before the meeting) is essential for staff to make appropriate accommodations for technology. 
    • Staff will make their best efforts to accommodate last minute (less than 7 days prior to a meeting) video conference attendance requests with the understanding that accommodations may be limited. If no video conference attendees are known ahead of time, staff will not make plans to set up virtual meeting technology.
  • For all meetings, voting members have the privilege of the vote, whether they attend and participate virtually or in-person.
  • Board Orientation will be offered virtually, or in person.
  • KAFP may develop additional ground rules that pertain to Virtual Participation. (See below.)
  • If there is a Board member who does not participate and engage in Board activities either in-person or virtually, the officers should have a conversation with him/her, discussing any barriers and encouraging engagement.
  • KAFP will provide links to available tutorials and other assistance for use of the video conferencing tool used. (End of Policy)

Additional Ground Rules for Virtual Participation in Board Meetings:

  • Do not mute and hold side conversations if there is more than one board member at a location.
  • The Chair may decide whether to use thumbs up/thumbs down, the chat or polling function for voting.