FAMILY MEDICINE WEEK in Kansas is here –  June 10-16, 2018. We hope that you are able to attend the 2018 Annual Meeting “70 Years Caring for Kansans,” June 14-16 and we can celebrate FAMILY MEDICINE WEEK together! During the Annual Meeting, attendees can complete a fill-in-the-blank sign, “I care for Kansans by ____________.”  Then hold their sign in front of the KAFP banner for a photo and share on social media.  If you are unable attend the meeting, please participate in this fun photo opportunity this week!

  • Download and print sign
  • Fill in the blank on how you care for Kansans.
  • Take a photo of yourself holding the sign or have someone take your photo.
  • Share on social media using #KAFP70Years and #KAFPAM with your post.

Click here to read the FAMILY MEDICINE WEEK news release.