AAFP/IAC Express
Influenza season is now under way. This week is National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), December 2–8. Check out the NIVW toolkit which includes videos, communication hints, matte articles to submit to newspapers, animated graphics, and more!
This flu season, Familydoctor.org is setting out to serve you and help patients by providing an impressive library of assets you can use in social media to talk to patients about the flu and prevention. Check out the Familydoctor.org Guide for the Flu Season toolkit. Facebook and Twitter posts, graphics, GIFs, videos and articles are available for you to use on social media networks to educate patients on the flu and prevention. Also watch for KAFP posts on Facebook and Twitter and like and share!
This is a great time to vaccinate your patients who have not yet been protected against flu and to remind your patients who have not been vaccinated to be sure they get protected. Influenza vaccination is recommended for everyone six months of age and older. As a reminder, vaccination efforts should continue through the holiday season and beyond. Peak influenza activity does not generally occur until February. Read the CDC Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report.