Thank you to all who have contributed to the campaign to support the 2020 candidacy of Jen Brull MD, FAAFP for the American Academy of Family Physician’s (AAFP) Board of Directors. Since the fall of 2019, Dr. Brull has been writing a blog you may relate to, be inspired by, enjoy and perhaps even learn from – check out her latest blog post about her three incredible mentors at adastrabrull.com
If you have questions regarding Dr. Brull’s plans and vision as a 2020 AAFP Board of Directors member, we encourage you to contact her by email mrsbrull@gmail.com. The AAFP Board of Directors election will be at the 2020 Congress of Delegates (COD) in Chicago, Oct. 12-14. Registration will open in mid-2020 and we welcome you to join Jen and the KAFP at COD!