Entries by Jesse Soyez

Use Population Health Profiler for Free Today!

HealthLandscape Check out these free resources that enable health care providers to explore a community’s social determinants of health and target core service areas defined by a specific patient distribution.​ Click here to try the The Population Health Profiler!  The Population Health Profiler lets you create detailed ZIP Code/ZCTA level maps of your service area and key community measures […]

Get Free Claims Coding & Reporting Assistance

TMF Health Quality Institute Clinicians and practices planning to use claims to report for the Quality category of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) in 2018 should take steps now to ensure they can fulfill data completeness criteria for their selected measures. The Q&A article from TMF Health Quality Institute reviews requirements and processes for […]

Updated Kansas Infectious Disease Regulations Effective May 11

KDHE The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has updated Kansas Administrative Regulations that regulate the reporting of and isolation and quarantine for infectious or contagious diseases and other health conditions (K.A.R. 28-1-1 through 28-1-18). The regulations go into effect May 11, 2018 and can be found at Regulations Related to Infectious or Contagious Diseases […]

Explore Your Foundation

KAFP This week in our tour of the KAFP website we will explore the Foundation section. The KAFP-Foundation landing page provides an overview of the Foundation including its mission and programs. Make a Gift is simply that – an opportunity to make a secure monetary donation to the KAFP-Foundation. Donor Honor Roll features a listing […]

District Director Ballots Due May 15

KAFP Elections for KAFP District Directors are conducted by U.S. Mail ballot. This year, directors in districts 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 are up for election. Click here to view district boundaries. Ballots were mailed April 13. Ballots must be returned via U.S. mail by May 15, 2018. To get to know candidates, click this […]

Have you registered for the event of the year?

KAFP It will be here before you know it – make sure you are a part of the big celebration as Kansas Academy of Family Physicians (KAFP) reaches a milestone of 70 years! Come to the KAFP Annual Meeting: 70 Years Caring for Kansans at the Overland Park Marriott Hotel in Overland Park, Kansas – June 14-16, 2018. Register […]

KAFP Resolutions Due May 14

KAFP Resolutions are the official means by which you as a member have input into the Academy’s governance and political process. Resolutions can be easy to write. If you have a topic or resolution you’re interested in writing, but get stuck in the process, please don’t stop there – contact KAFP 316-721-9005 for assistance. All […]

Attend KAFP-F Wine Tasting & Auction fundraiser

KAFP-Foundation Make plans to attend this year’s KAFP-Foundation’s largest fundraiser, the Wine Tasting & Auction! This year’s event will be at AAFP Headquarters in Leawood, Kansas on Thursday, June 14 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.  We are celebrating our 70th Anniversary with historical memorabilia displayed during the event.  And it’s a great way to fellowship with your […]

Important Survey on Board Certification is due May 11

Vision Initiative The Vision Initiative—a collaborative effort created by the American Board of Medical Specialties—is conducting an important survey and needs your input to re-envision the future of continuing board certification and physician assessment. Please take the survey on or before the May 11 response deadline. The better data the Vision Initiative gathers, the clearer the answers […]