Entries by Jesse Soyez

Tobacco Cessation Conversations

NAMI Did you know that 70 percent of tobacco users are interested in quitting and cite a physician’s advice to quit as an important motivating factor? Make that brief conversation with patients count with these conversation prompts used by Kansas physicians: Do you mind if we discuss your tobacco use today? On a scale of […]

Tis’ the Season to Give and to Shop!

KAFP-Foundation There are two great ways you can support the KAFP-F through your shopping! Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to KAFP-F whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. Go to AmazonSmile and link your account to Kansas Academy of Family Physicians-Foundation. Dillons will donate a portion of each transaction to […]

Help Us Recognize the Best Family Docs in the State!

KAFP Do you have a colleague who inspires you; one whom you feel is the “best of the best?” Nominate a colleague for one of KAFP’s annual awards: Family Physician of the Year, Exemplary Teaching Award, or Humanitarian Award. Please submit your nominations by Monday, December 31, 2018. Kansas Family Physician of the Year: This is the […]

Need a Hotel Room for Advocacy Day? Reserve a Room by January 1

KAFP Need hotel accommodations while you attend Advocacy Day on January 30? The KAFP has a room block at the Topeka Courtyard Marriott at the group rate of $126 + tax. Mention that you are with the Kansas Academy of Family Physicians to get the special rate.  Reserve a room online or call 785-271-6165 by January 1, 2019. […]

Your Foundation Makes End-of-Year Giving Easy

KAFP-Foundation As 2018 draws to a close, please remember KAFP-Foundation (KAFP-F) in your charitable giving. You may also mail your donation to: Kansas Academy of Family Physicians-Foundation 7570 W 21st St N, 1026 C, #104 Wichita, KS 67205 Your generous support ensures the continuation of KAFP-F programs to identify and cultivate future family physicians and offers […]

Family Insurance Conversations During the Holidays

Kansas Insurance Department The holiday season, when family members gather, can be a good time to have conversations about how to protect and insure relatives and property, according to Ken Selzer, CPA, Kansas Commissioner of Insurance.  Kansas Insurance Commissioner Selzer and the staff at the Kansas Insurance Department offer the following ideas for those family […]

Remember KAFP-Foundation in End-of-Year Charitable Giving

KAFP-Foundation As 2018 draws to a close, please remember KAFP-Foundation (KAFP-F) in your charitable giving. Your generous support ensures the continuation of KAFP-F programs to identify and cultivate future family physicians and offers numerous scholarship opportunities for residents and students. KAFP-F is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt public foundation, and is the only charitable organization in […]


Talking to Patients About Tobacco Cessation

NAMI Research shows it takes multiple efforts to finally give up tobacco, the number one cause of preventable death and disease in the country. Patients want to hear about the benefits of tobacco cessation from their health care providers, and these should be discussed at every visit because it may take multiple conversations before the […]