Entries by Jesse Soyez

Are you at risk for burnout? Assess your risk now

AAFP The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is the most validated measure of burnout, backed by more than 35 years of research. Take the MBI (FREE for members) to check your risk for burnout and identify Physician Health First resources that support your well-being.

Reserve hotel by May 25 deadline

KAFP Planning to join us for the KAFP Annual Meeting: 70 Years Caring for Kansans? The conference hotel deadline is quickly approaching!  Reserve your room at the Overland Park Marriott Hotel for the reduced rate of $129.00 + taxes and fees.  This special reduced rate is available until Friday, May 25, 2018. To make your reservation please call […]

AAFP TIPS feature Empanelment & Quality Improvement

AAFP The American Academy of Family Physicians is proud to introduce AAFP TIPS, a Transformation in Practice Series, featuring ready-to-use practice improvement tools and training for family medicine teams. Two topics are now available: Empanelment and Quality Improvement. Whether you are trying to implement medical home functions, streamline processes, or enhance the patient experience, AAFP […]

Introducing the HealthLandscape Population Health Profiler

AAFP While the research value of appending community characteristics to the clinical record is well established in academic literature, it’s equally important to be able to summarize this information in a practical and actionable way that can be integrated into clinical practice. HealthLandscape’s goal is to advance the science of integrating social determinants of health […]

Register for Pre-Conference KSA & Annual Meeting

KAFP Registration is open!  Come to the KAFP Annual Meeting: 70 Years Caring for Kansans at the Overland Park Marriott Hotel in Overland Park, Kansas – June 14-16, 2018. Register TODAY! We are pleased to offer a Pre-Conference Knowledge Self Assessment (KSA) on Health Behavior – Wednesday, June 13 from 1:30 – 5:00 p.m.  (8 CME credits.) Please contact […]

Visit KAFP Website’s “About Us”

KAFP This week in our tour of the KAFP website we will explore the About Us section. On the About Us landing page you can find the KAFP mission statement, vision, leadership, and history, including a link to past presidents! Contact KAFP provides the various ways to contact your Academy: Mail, phone, email, fax, social […]

Happy Birthday KAFP

KAFP Happy Birthday to KAFP, chartered May 6, 1948! On our 70th anniversary we take time reflect on our rich history and see how far we have come for our patients, our communities, the state of Kansas, and our specialty. Today, family medicine plays a vital role in the health of current and future generations. […]


Kansas Official Release of the HPV Vaccination Report Available

CDC Your jurisdiction’s HPV vaccination report is now available. View December 2017 report. View May 2018 report. These reports highlight your jurisdiction’s HPV–associated cancer burden in addition to distribution data for all CDC and non-CDC distributed Gardasil 9 vaccines for 2017. Please see below for more information on how to interpret the vaccine distribution data. . If […]

AAFP Launches PSA Campaign to Educate Patients – May is Mental Health

AAFP Bullying. Concussions. Opioid abuse. These are just a few topics family physicians discuss with their patients every day. While most family physicians feel comfortable talking about these subjects, patients may be less at ease, especially if they have experienced one of these issues first-hand. To help patients prepare for these conversations, the AAFP has […]