Congratulations to the following members who were elected to serve in districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 and faculty directors to serve Wichita and Kansas City campuses. And many thanks to all who ran – your participation is most appreciated.
- District 1: Keith Ratzlaff MD
- District 3: Dirk Smith, MD, FAAFP
- District 5: Danelle Perry, MD
- District 7: Jill Linville, MD
- KU Kansas City: Margaret Smith, MD, MPH, MHSA, FAAFP
- KU Wichita: Rex Keith, MD
Click here for District County Map.
Secretary, delegate and alternate delegate elections will be held in-person at the Annual Meeting during the Member Meeting on June 7, 2019 in Wichita. View candidate statements before voting:
- Secretary: Debra Doubek, MD, FAAFP and Jared Johnson, MD
- Delegate: Doug Gruenbacher, MD
- Alternate Delegate: Lynn Fisher, MD, FAAFP